Day 7: Macros, Micros, and Our Maker


-->*This is my FAVORITE part in this series*
Let's talk Daniel here for a minute. Check out the image below.

What you see is Daniel's is at the palace and the King is wanting to serve the soldiers who are training all the finest foods, all the wine, all just the yummy stuff. Think filet mignon, canolis, twice baked potatoes, chocolate founde....
Think of a wedding reception where they have all of the fancy foods on a buffet! We had a chocolate fountain at our wedding and it was pretty dern tasty!
This is what the King planned to feed all of the soldiers. Daniel said, "ah, no, I'm good." One of the gaurdsmen was like, "Daniel, no man, you have to eat this stuff."
And Daniel said, "ah, no, I, I really don't. Let me, for 10 days just eat fruits and vegetable and drink water and then you can compare me to the other soldiers who are eating the fancy food, to see how I measure up." The King was worried that Daniel wouldn't be strong by only eating plants.
Daniel's request was granted and that's all he ate and drank for 10 days.
At the end of the 10 days, Daniel was stronger and healthier than the other men who were training who were eating all the fine foods.
Consequently, all soldiers ended up eating the fruits and vegetables and drinking water.
So what this says is, the good Lord created everything we need on this planet for our health and good nutrtion. We can get so wrapped up in the newest thing, the fast food, the indulgent "feel good food" . . . all of those things that we overlook that literally everything we need, the Lord provides.
Unfortunately, we do need more supplementation because the soil and the ground doesn't produce the vitamins and the minerals that are needed to grow the plants as it did.
We're mass producing fruits and vegetables at such a rapid rate, the soil doesn't have a time to breathe and rest and recuperate the vitamins and minerals before we plant something else. Biblically the soil needs rest time - much like humans.
The good Lord gave us everything we need on the earth. He gave us all the macronutrients and all the micronutrients we need.
TIP: Think about your nutrition like this: the closer it is to the ground and the less processed you can get your food, the better off you are. Period. It's truly that simple.
TIP 2: Don't start off on a crusade to make all of your nutrtion "perfect" in one day. That's a super way to set yourself up for failure. Don't, don't go there with it. Start off by making one simple shift today to help get you on the track of having proper micronutrients and macronutrients.
I have one more visual that I want to share with you guys. Check out the ecosystem graphic below.

We have God's beautiful creation over here on the left. We have the sun, insects and everything between. You can see a kangaroo, bacteria, algae, a rotting log, fungi and animals. There is not one that is greater than another, right? The insects need the sun and the heat. The pond needs the algae. The frog needs need the plankton. EVERYTHING IS INTERCONNECTED!
This is how I want you to think about your body.
There is not one body system more important than another. Macro, micro and photo nutrients are all important too and one is not more important that the other. Our body systems and the nutrients all work together for the health of your personal ecosystem.
What does the word ecosystem even mean? ECOSYSTEM: a complex network of interconnected systems.
This is what your body is! Your body is an ecosystem. If one thing gets out of whack, it can effect so many other things.
There is so much to be said for eating well as it relates to mental health.
There's so much to be said for cardiovascular health as it relates to eating well.
There is so much to be said for how we show up for our families, how we show up for God as it related to how we eat.
We need to be honoring our bodies like this beautiful, delicate ecosystem pictured below. Every piece needs the other piece.
If you are looking to lose weight or just clean up your nutrition to be healthier, there is a way to do it in a fashion where you're getting all of your macronutrients and micronutrients to keep your ecosystem in balance.
At the end of the day, what I want you ladies to think about is if God were to call you today . .
if God would just sit down with you, maybe come to your house and sit down with you and say, "I want you to go build houses somewhere for habitat, for humanity, or I want you to go to Brazil and build houses, or I want you to start up a soccer league for at risk children, or spread the gospel in your town." .....
Are you fueling your body well enought to be able to go and do that? Are you honoring God with your food choices? Are your choices preparing like Daniel? Are you prepared to make disciples of all nations caring for your health the way you are right now?
My desire for you is that whenever God calls you, you can go in the best health humanly possible so that you can serve HIS Kingdom in the best way you possibly can. Isn't that why we are put on this earth to begin with?
We need to make sure we're fueling our body well to do the Kingdom's work. . . to honor Him to break up with the refined sugars, to push against those triggers that are going to come and to guard ourselves with biblical truths so that when those triggers come, that we can say, "no! My body is designed as a Holy temple for the Lord, and this is not going to fuel my body."
I'm not saying never have pizza. I'm not saying never have cheesecake. (Y'all know I am always talking about cheesecake because I do love it!) What I'm saying is be mindful and considerate of the Lord with whatever you do eat.
How will you make one simple shift today to honor God with your body?
And don't forget, my new program is launching soon!
A BOLD and UNIQUE program for sustainable, God-led weight loss!
--> If you've tried all.the.things: pills, patches, programs, supplements and either failed to lose any weight OR ended up gaining all that lost weight back (and then some, if you're honest)
--> If you wholeheartedly agree that your body is a temple but know that you aren't a size or weight God wants you to be
-->If you see very clearly how excess weight is holding you back as a Mom, wife, and is driving a wedge between you and the Lord
BUT, you KNOW the Lord made you for me and you desire accountability and long for a trusted, Christian professional to help you break through the chains of emotional eating, binge eating, crazy fasts, and feeling self conscious in social settings and in your own skin...
-->If you answered an emphatic "YES"! to any or all of these, then THIS is the program for you.
-->I am taking early bird seats now for my program that will officially be launching in July. PM me if you want to chat and reserve your seat. You can also fill out this quick Google form which will provide me more detail on who you are and what your needs are.
**This program is for Christian women between 30 and 65+ who have on average 30-65+ pounds to lose and understand the value of a solid investment in self.**


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