Surviving to Thriving: A Success Story


These are some of the words my 1:1 client Sheila used to describe herself when we first met on the internet.

She reached out to me craving sustainable CHANGE and she didn't just mean weight loss. She was hungry for shedding the shell of the life she was living and ready to lose the weight the RIGHT way and step into a life of vibrancy, filled with pure joy as she lived a life of mental, spiritual, financial and physical health.

After working together for 11 weeks, Sheila lost right at 30 pounds and 22.25 inches.

Yes - you read that right! She's still continuing to work with me and our Lord to transform her life in sustainable ways.
Now she uses these words to describe her life:

In her words:
"Erin has shown me how to integrate my physical, emotional and spiritual health in order to see real results. With her guidance and accountability, I have learned to lean on CHRIST for all of my needs, including my health! I'm now well on my way to losing over 100 pounds!"
She sees life in a way she hasn't in 27 years and for the first time sees she actually CAN be everything the Lord directs her to be! She also never expected her life with Christ to change in such profound ways in such a short time. It seriously give me chills!
--> Are you feeling like Sheila did when she came to me?
-->Have you reached your breaking point where enough is enough?
Are you ready to cut the fads and gimmicks to get down to the root of your habits and change your life for the good with Christ as the head?
I'm ready for you too!

*** I am taking early bird seats now. Fill out this quick form or send me a PM so we can see if this program is a good fit for you and to secure your early bird discount! This program is for women ages 30-65+ with 30-65+ pounds to lose who are tired of the yo-yo, tired of all of the pills, patches and suppliments, tired of the social anxiety that comes from their weight and are ready to truly lose the weight and transform their life the Lord's way.


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